W1.2 March 8th (Friday) 주영영 ZHUYINGYING

1. summary

 Sociology is discussed as a branch of the social sciences that uses empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop knowledge about the structure and activities of human society with the aim of applying this knowledge to government policy and social welfare.It covers a wide range of topics from micro-level interactions to macro-level social processes.The traditional focus of sociology includes social relations, social stratification, social interaction, culture and deviance, using qualitative and quantitative research techniques.Emphasis is placed on the evolving methods and approaches in sociology, such as the cultural turn of the 1970s and 1980s and the rise of new mathematically rigorous methods such as social network analysis.It emphasizes the importance of understanding that societies are constantly changing and that sociology is rooted in significant social change.Early sociological theorists, such as Marx, Weber, and Durkheim, focused on social processes that drove change, and C.Wright Mills (c. The concept of sociological imagination proposed by Dr. Wright Mills is discussed as a way to understand individual problems in a broader social context.The document also addresses the role of values and beliefs in sociology, emphasizing the importance of using scientific methods to examine and understand social phenomena.

2.Interesting point 

Using the sociological imagination to place individual issues within the framework of broader social issues helps individuals understand the larger historical context.Sociological imagination enables the individual to go beyond the individual's worldview and thus better respond to the social world, understanding events and social structures that influence behavior, attitudes, and culture.


Socialization and personal development, how do individuals form their own cognitive, attitude and behavioral patterns in the process of socialization?How does socialization affect individual development and identity?


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