W2.1 March 11 ZHANG QI


This article focuses on the birth of Wikipedia, the free online encyclopaedia, its development and its impact on society and academia. The article begins by noting that ten years ago, no one, including Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales, could have imagined the possibilities of Wikipedia. Today, however, it is one of the top sites on the Internet, representing a best practice for a different kind of economy or community ethic: a free, voluntary, collaborative community that continually offers the world opportunities for understanding and revision. As a result, I also have great admiration for Wikipedia as a website.

interesting point

In the second paragraph, the author writes in detail about the problems he encountered and notes the mistakes he made.https://reagle.org/joseph/2010/gfc/errata.html


I happened to have a quandary when I was editing Wikipedia last week: in my edit last week I removed parts of the original article, which also included a website. The content presented on this site does not match the current situation, so should I just delete the outdated content and add the new content myself or should I contact the other party first.


  1. It is indeed true that it is really hard to believe that a non-profit website can be what it is today. Wikipedia has become one of the world's most important online platforms for knowledge, so mastering the skills of Wikipedia is also essential, and Wikipedia's success today would not have been possible without the selfless dedication of its global editors and the trust and support of everyone. The success of Wikipedia has indeed demonstrated its unconventional mode of operation and the value of community participation, which is worth learning from many profitable websites.


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