This course uses Wikipedia to teach us a sociological perspective on collective intelligence on the Internet. Get an overview of Wikipedia.

Wikipedia Unlike most other websites, Wikipedia is non-profit and run by hundreds of thousands of volunteers. Although it is not backed by any country or company, it has become the premier website for almost any information.

Wikipedia is a global repository of knowledge, and its concept and importance cannot be ignored. As a free, open, and cooperative knowledge base, Wikipedia aims to provide people with knowledge on a variety of topics, including history, science, culture, art, language, technology, entertainment, and more.

Wikipedia is very rich in content. It includes entries on a variety of topics, from people, events, places, and works to concepts, technologies, organizations, and more. These entries are written by volunteers, so their style and quality may vary. However, Wikipedia's editing process is very transparent and open, and anyone can edit and improve entries, so its content is constantly evolving and improving.

Wikipedia not only provides people with extensive and comprehensive knowledge resources, but also promotes global cooperation and knowledge sharing. As a free, open, and cooperative knowledge base, Wikipedia has great application value in information management and knowledge dissemination. Its emergence has made the acquisition and sharing of knowledge easier and more convenient, and has played an important role in promoting the development and progress of modern human society. Therefore, we should actively use and participate in the construction of Wikipedia and make our own contributions to its development and improvement.


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