W9.1 April 29 (Mon)-------ZHANG LINYUE


    From the perspective of Wikipedia's cultural impact, the article describes the cultural impact of Wikipedia globally, including its popularity as a reference resource and its influence on the way knowledge is acquired and disseminated.
  From the perspective of Wikipedia in culture, the article discusses Wikipedia's presence and references in, and impact on, literature, film, television, music, art, and other cultural fields.
  From the perspective of Wikipedia's image, the article analyzes how Wikipedia is perceived by the general public, including its image as an online encyclopedia that is open, freely edited, multilingual, and non-profit in nature.
  In terms of Wikipedia's advertising and product placements, the article mentions a number of cases where advertising and product placements have been associated with Wikipedia, including appearances in movies and television programs, as well as Wikipedia's partnerships with other companies.
 In terms of Wikipedia's reaction, the article also documents the Wikipedia community's reaction to advertising and product placement, as well as the Wikimedia Foundation's position and policies.
  Overall, this article provides an overview of Wikipedia's place and influence in the culture, demonstrating its appearances and references in different areas, as well as community and foundation attitudes toward its image and commercial exploitation.

2.Interesting point

I think there's an interesting point in this article: but when the majority of people agree with a conclusion, then that conclusion is true.


Wikipedia belongs to its own culture, what else?


  1. Your summary mentions some cases of advertising and product placement related to Wikipedia, indicating the influence and collaborative relationship of Wikipedia in the business field. These cases provide some insights for the sustainable and future development of Wikipedia.

  2. Wikipedia has a unique spirit of collaboration and democratization in addition to its own culture. Wikipedia emphasizes the spirit of collaboration and sharing knowledge. Volunteers work together to build the platform by editing, writing, and proofreading articles, cooperating with each other to improve the quality and accuracy of articles. Wikipedia employs a democratized editorial model where every registered user can edit and contribute to content. This means that there is no centralized censorship or control, but rather a reliance on community consensus to determine the accuracy and appropriateness of content.


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