W9.1 April 29 (Mon)

 1) summarize in your own words of materials you read;

Socialization is a fundamental social theme that constitutes many elements of society. Socialization is what enables people to function well in social life. Because socialization occurs differently depending on each person's background, it is difficult to evaluate which direction socialization is better. Because not all socialization goes well, there are institutions for resocialization. They sometimes use coercive methods, and in this process, the person being resocialized may have elements of himself removed.

2) mention of any new, interesting, or unusual items learned;

It is interesting to note that things that are believed to be socially taught, such as empathizing with someone else, are not in fact socially taught, but are in fact biologically innate. It is also interesting to note that culture can influence both biologically and genetically.

3) identify at least one question, concern, or discussion angle that is either problematic in some respect or could have been elaborated more. 

Is coercive socialization appropriate, assuming that unsocialized people do not harm anyone?


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