W9.1 April 29 (Mon)—ZHONG XIN
The content of this page reveals various hoaxes and disinformation that have appeared on Wikipedia, including a range of information on Wikipedia that has been proven to be false or misleading. This information may have been inserted into Wikipedia entries as a result of malicious editing, misrepresentation, or other reasons, but the Wikipedia community usually takes active steps to detect and correct these problems. The false information may involve biographies of people, descriptions of historical events, statements of scientific theories, and so on. This page provides an important reference for the review and evaluation of the content of Wikipedia entries by documenting the details of these hoaxes. The page lists the specifics of each hoax, including when it was recognized, corrective measures, and so on. Overall, the purpose of this page is to remind readers to be cautious when using Wikipedia, not to blindly trust the information, and the need for proper validation and verification of the content.
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