W9.1 Ma Chenxiao 마신소

            Wikipedia has been referenced in various ways across different forms of media and contexts.
Wikiality: Coined by Stephen Colbert in a segment on "The Colbert Report," Wikiality humorously refers to truth by consensus, reflecting Wikipedia's model of knowledge creation through user consensus rather than strict factual accuracy. Colbert satirically praised Wikipedia for embracing his philosophy of "truthiness," where intuition and consensus trump factual accuracy.
Cultural Significance: Some individuals view having a Wikipedia entry about themselves as a status symbol, highlighting the cultural significance of the platform.
Parodies and Vandalism: Wikipedia's openness has been parodied through instances of vandalism or nonconstructive modifications to articles in popular culture. This reflects the platform's vulnerability to misinformation and vandalism due to its editable nature.
Positive Portrayals: Despite parody and vandalism, Wikipedia is often portrayed positively as a reference work, with characters using it for information or comparing their intelligence to it.
Wikiracing: Wikipedia has inspired activities like Wikiracing, where participants navigate from one Wikipedia article to another through hyperlinks in pursuit of a specific destination article, turning it into a game.
Art and Music: Wikipedia has been commemorated in various forms, such as the Wikipedia Monument in Słubice, Poland, and musical compositions like the "Anthem of Wikipedia" by Andriy Bondarenko.
In Webcomics and Humor: References to Wikipedia are common in webcomics like xkcd, where its writing style is parodied. Additionally, humorous situations involving Wikipedia, like the Battle of Techno House 2022 meme during the Russo-Ukrainian war, have gained attention.
Overall, Wikipedia's influence extends beyond being a mere encyclopedia, permeating popular culture in diverse and sometimes unexpected ways.
         interesting points
The prevalence of parodies and vandalism underscores both the strengths and weaknesses of Wikipedia's open editing system, showcasing its susceptibility to misinformation but also its adaptability to evolving cultural trends.

        discussion points
How has Wikipedia democratized access to information and empowered individuals to contribute to the collective pool of knowledge? What are the implications of this democratization for traditional sources of authority and expertise?


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