
Another name for the culture is reading and writing.Sociocultural concepts that encourage the integration or adaptation of existing materials for the creation of derivative or innovative works and crafts.Throughout human history, this remix, alteration, and fusion of creative techniques has always existed in the development of human history and is considered to be the common practice of artists in all fields.Lawrence Lessig, a Harvard Law School professor who believes remixing is an ideal concept for human creativity, has been working since the early 2000s to shift the concept to the information age.Lessig founded the Knowledge Sharing Organization in 2001, which created the Knowledge Sharing License.In today's information age, remixing culture has been broad and diverse, fully applied to video, music, art, websites and so on.With the advent of the Web2.0 era, technological innovation has been upgraded, innovation has been enhanced, and the mixing culture has changed.Now, everyone can participate in the mash-up culture without worrying about access and thresholds.

Interesting point.

Mashup culture is no longer limited to the field of art, in addition to the widely known areas of images, music, art, video, simple terms can also be widely connected through mashup culture.This creative characteristic is the foundation of mash-up culture and the direction of future development.


With the development of the times, mashup culture prevails, but it also faces serious legal problems.While there are more development opportunities, violations and violations continue to emerge and management is challenged.


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