
Wikipedia is defined as a collaborative program that is multilingual, content free, and accessible to anyone, with the goal of creating a complete, accurate, and neutral encyclopedia. And to create and maintain open collaborative projects, especially free content, self editing, and free copyright. Currently, it is the largest and most popular reference book on the global internet. Wikipedia has a non-profit nature and is maintained and operated by volunteers. The content of this lesson requires a lot of learning about Wikipedia editing and operation, and further understanding of relevant information about Wikipedia.

Points of interest

As a global open platform, Wikipedia not only has a rich and comprehensive knowledge reserve, but also has strong inclusiveness, resulting in different countries and regions having different attitudes towards Wikipedia. For example, users in some countries are very enthusiastic about using Wikipedia, users in some countries do not have enough understanding of Wikipedia, and some countries are currently in a state of ban on Wikipedia.


How to verify the authenticity of Wikipedia information?


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