W13.2 May 31(Fri) ——ZHANG QI

Wikipedia Categorization

1. Summary

Wikipedia:Categorization explains how articles are grouped to help users find related content easily. Articles are placed into categories based on their topics, making Wikipedia more organized and user-friendly. This process includes creating, adding to, and maintaining categories to keep them relevant and helpful.

 2. Important Points

Purpose: Categorizing articles makes it easier for users to find related information.

Creating Categories: Only create new categories when needed, and ensure they have enough articles to be useful.

Adding Articles: Place articles in the most specific category possible. Use multiple categories if necessary.

Maintenance: Regularly check categories to merge duplicates, rename for clarity, and remove unnecessary ones.

Hierarchy: Organize categories in a logical structure with clear parent and subcategories.

3. Discussion

Categorizing articles on Wikipedia is crucial for organizing content and helping users navigate the site. It ensures that related articles are easy to find and contributes to the overall structure of Wikipedia.

The process can be tricky—too many categories can be overwhelming, while too few can make it hard to locate specific topics. Regular updates and community effort are needed to keep the system useful and up-to-date.

Overall, categorization is a key part of keeping Wikipedia user-friendly and well-organized, showing the importance of community collaboration in maintaining the site.


  1. To optimize the category management of Wikipedia, researchers have proposed a variety of techniques and methods. These include short text retrieval methods that utilize Wikipedia's category graph and thematic features, by analyzing the thematic features in structural information to calculate the semantic relevance between the query and the target short text, thereby achieving retrieval and sorting of short text. In addition, there are methods based on collaborative filtering and deep classification, which aim to automatically recommend Wikipedia categories to reduce the burden on human editors and improve the accuracy of category labeling.

  2. Your discussion of Wikipedia categories highlights the importance of organising content effectively. It is true that creating useful categories requires a balance of not too many and not too few. To make this article more engaging, add some specific examples of successful categorisation or challenges encountered.


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