W13.2 May 31(Fri)—HUANGQIHAO


 This article explores Wikipedia's classification system, an important tool for organizing and building content that helps readers and editors find information more easily. Categories make it easier to navigate and find information by grouping similar items together. Although classification is not the only way to navigate, it has an important place in Wikipedia. The basic principles of the classification system include accuracy, non-overlap, avoiding over-classification, and ensuring that each entry is properly grouped. Categories should be subject oriented rather than overly superficial descriptions.

Wikipedia's classification structure is hierarchical. The top categories are relatively broad, such as "sociological," while the categories become more specific as you go further down the hierarchy, such as "lower agricultural society" or "industrial society." An entry can belong to more than one category in order to be found in different contexts. Category names should be clear, concise, and descriptive, avoiding abbreviations or ambiguous terms.

Maintaining classifications requires ongoing effort, including regular reviews of classifications for accuracy and relevance. This ensures that Wikipedia's classification system remains effective and useful, providing users with a better information finding experience.

2.Interesting Point
 Wikipedia's classification system uses a hierarchical structure, with the top categories being relatively broad and the categories becoming more specific as the hierarchy goes deeper. This hierarchical structure helps organize information in more detail, making it easier for users to find content that interests them.
In Wikipedia's classification system, how do you ensure that each entry is properly classified? Especially when it comes to complex or diverse topics, there may be situations where classification is vague or inaccurate.


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