
In this video learning, I learned that Wikipedia's initial goal was to provide a free encyclopedia platform for all humanity. In this online encyclopedia platform, any user can conditionally use a web browser to modify existing content or create articles. The concept of Wikipedia is very in line with the desire of exploratory users and even some professional scholars, which allows them to obtain knowledge while editing and sharing it, jointly shaping an open platform for equal sharing. The maintenance of Wikipedia relies on tens of thousands of volunteers who review the content edited by editors and strictly maintain qualified content. Wikipedia also faces many difficulties and obstacles in its development process, involving knowledge sources, information reliability, platform maintenance and management, and other aspects. This situation has not only occurred in the past, but there may be new changes in the future, so more attention and support are needed.

Interesting points

The articles on Wikipedia can be searched through relevant associations, allowing users to easily access more relevant information and judge the content knowledge they need with a more comprehensive understanding, maintaining the objectivity of Wikipedia.


The future development of Wikipedia cannot be separated from the support of technology. Regarding the network technology aspect, what better suggestions are there currently.


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