
In this video, we were introduced to the relevant history and operational structure of Wikipedia. Since its inception, Wikipedia has encountered many difficulties and setbacks, especially significant changes in community management. As an open encyclopedia platform, Wikipedia did not have clear regulations on community relationships and organizational structure at its inception, and everything happened naturally. However, with continuous development, Wikipedia has given birth to new management and organizational roles, such as administrators, administrators, and so on. There is also a relatively special "benevolent dictator", namely Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia. Although they scoff at it, this title reflects the significant changes that occurred in the management system of Wikipedia at that time. In the subsequent development, problems continue to arise, but they have not hindered the progress of Wikipedia. Despite being questioned and challenged by managers, the characteristics of democracy and openness still belong to the original intention of Wikipedia's founding, which allows all those involved to work together towards this goal, eliminate conflicts, and strive for a common goal.

Interesting points

From the historical changes in the management structure of Wikipedia, we can see traces of the historical development of human society. For example, on the path of human pursuit of freedom and democracy, from completely denying government management to partially affirming government management, it can be seen that complete democratic freedom has not yet been achieved in human society.


In the development of Wikipedia, besides changes in management structure, what other changes have promoted qualitative changes in Wikipedia?


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