
The topic of this article is intended to emphasize the importance of accurate information sources when editing Wikipedia.When editing Wikipedia, it is considered necessary to use reliable and accurate sources.These sources can be obtained from academic articles, news reports, professional books and publications.Wikipedia is open and collaborative, which requires verifiability of its sources.A source is defined as a trusted source that can be verified and verified.Information that does not have a reliable source or cannot be verified can affect the accuracy of the article, reduce the credibility of the article, and at the same time be misleading and destroy the good Wikipedia use environment.In the face of such content, it is likely that it will be deleted or changed.However, the article mentions that in some cases, it may be inevitable to use unprofessional sources to fill and enrich existing articles.At the same time, in order to increase the verifiable convenience of the article, we should pay attention to the clear structure of the article to facilitate the reader's reading.

Interesting point.

When editing Wikipedia, there are sometimes clear and reliable sources, but these sources may be at odds on another level, such as arguments about the content, or different perceptions, opinions, etc. in certain situations.


Wikipedia is increasingly focusing on the reliability of its sources at this stage, and if censorship is too strict, will it affect its inclusiveness?For example, should people who are cognitively deficient or have difficulty accessing reliable sources be allowed to participate in editing?


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