
Creative Commons, Knowledge Sharing, is also known as Creative Commons. The essence of CC is to facilitate the dissemination and circulation of works and provide resources for creation. CC adopts a partial rights reservation method, through the author to formulate authorization conditions, open the work materials to the public, without restricting the recipient, time, place, etc.

The standard licensing elements contained in CC mainly include name labeling, non-commercial, no modification, and sharing in the same way. And six standard CC licenses have been formed. This can protect the rights of creators while facilitating public access, helping to establish a platform with rich content, clear rights, and dissemination of various content resources, which is convenient for audiences to use, create and innovate. Over the years, the CC platform has provided a wide range of large-scale and diverse materials, design history and culture, scientific articles, education, art, etc., and is constantly expanding the scope of resources.

At the same time, CC is committed to helping people develop and maintain the prosperity of shared knowledge and culture, and pursuing the positive expansion of human culture.

Interesting points

As a student group, when using CC, you can copy the entire or most of the article without restriction, and even modify and mix it, which can be used to complete homework.


The use of CC can facilitate users to create and innovate, but there may be some behaviors that do not comply with regulations, such as implicit commercial use and testing the boundaries of authority. Solving these problems is related to the founding purpose of CC and the development and progress of social culture.


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