
Wikipedia's classification system can effectively reduce the time spent on classification work and reduce classification errors. The entries in the classification system are arranged in a tree, which includes naming, category creation, description pages, etc. Page classification is used to describe the outstanding features of the classified objects, covering basic features and important characteristics. In the classification page, a clear, specific and neutral classification method should be presented, and the conventional cognition should be followed. Regarding the accuracy of the classification, dissenters can express their opinions through the discussion page and optimize the classification through discussion and collaboration. The creation of classification entries is divided into levels and presents a hierarchical structure. The sub-classification is an extension and detail of the parent classification. The sub-classification should avoid overlap with the parent classification. Regarding the classification principle, neutrality and accuracy should be maintained to avoid overlap. The same-name category classification can only be used when there are more high-category articles. And it should be noted that it should be ensured that the page belongs to at least one category, so that the purpose of improving efficiency can be truly achieved.

Interesting point

The classification of entries needs to be divided into horizontal and vertical. Vertical classification refers to adding the most appropriate parent category or sub-category, while horizontal classification refers to adding classifications of different aspects or angles. Vertical classification is based on alphabetical classification, and the parent classification is a more comprehensive classification. The child classification is a supplementary extension of the parent classification, which is more detailed and has more items. The horizontal classification extends horizontally from a classification, supplementing the elements and composition of the classification subject, and increasing the breadth of the classification.


When the horizontal classification in the classification entry is too large, how should the required classification entries be selected efficiently?


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