
DYK (full name Did you know?) is a project page placed on the homepage. The DYK section displays new or expanded articles selected through an informal review process and can be used to display new and improved content. DYK consists of a series of hooks that identify interesting content from the latest content in Wikipedia and credit the hooks to the articles. DYK articles must comply with Wikipedia's content policies, including Wikipedia: Verifiability, Wikipedia: Copyright infringement, and Wikipedia: Living biography. The content presented in DYK must meet certain characteristics. First, accurate information content, and second, the language should be concise and easy to understand.

Interesting points

DYK strongly encourages readers to edit and create articles in DYK. In order to improve and develop Wikipedia's content, more information elements need to be integrated. This means that DYK needs to actively guide readers to collaborate and edit to enrich its content volume.


Regarding the content in DYK, how should the accuracy and reliability be verified?


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