

Goffman's drama theory, especially his dramaturgical theory, provides a unique and insightful perspective for understanding social interaction and interpersonal communication. The interesting points of this theory are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

First, Goffman compares society to a big stage and people to performers on the stage. This metaphor itself is full of fun and inspiration, which guides us to re-examine the interpersonal interaction in daily life and regard it as a well-designed performance.

Second, drama theory emphasizes the central position of symbols in interpersonal communication. People use various symbols, including language, actions, expressions, etc., to construct their own image and express their intentions and emotions. This emphasis on symbols makes us pay more attention to the subtle changes and strategic use of people in communication.

In addition, Goffman's drama theory also reveals people's strategic nature in social interaction. In order to create an ideal image in the minds of others, people will use various techniques and methods to influence others' views. This strategic interaction is not only reflected at the individual level, but also in a wider range of social institutions and organizations.

Another interesting point

Goffman's front-stage/backstage theory. The front stage is the image that the performer shows to the audience and hopes that the audience will accept it, while the backstage is the place where the performer prepares for the front stage performance, hiding the true self that does not want to be seen by the audience. This division reveals people's role transformation and strategy adjustment in social interaction, and also allows us to better understand the differences in people's behavior in different occasions.

Finally, Goffman's drama theory also triggers our thinking about social norms and expectations. In Goffman's view, people's behavior is often constrained by social norms and expectations, which forces them to consider the audience's reactions and expectations in their performances. This focus on social norms allows us to have a deeper understanding of the power and control issues in social interaction.

In summary, Goffman's drama theory provides us with interesting and inspiring thinking for understanding social interaction and interpersonal communication through its unique perspective and deep insights. It not only allows us to re-examine the communication behavior in daily life, but also guides us to think about deeper issues such as social norms, symbol use, and strategic interaction.


How Goffman's drama theory reveals issues of power and control in social interaction


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